NBA 2K17 Grand Badges Guide: Earn Secret Grand Badges In MyCareer/MyPark

u4nba Date: Oct/13/16 09:40:41 Views: 7409

Since the most recent NBA 2K game launched, players have been very busy not only with winning games but with also getting all the badges. 


As we all know that Badges in NBA 2K17 are hard to get. 2K17 Skill badges can be achieved through various ways while playing the NBA 2K17 MyCareer/MyPark. It is divided in five tiers, which are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Hall of Fame, and Grand Badges. 


NBA players can now have up to 55 badges and the skill badges they have are not limited to just one tier. In the previous news, we have shared 55 Badges Unlock Guide in NBA 2K17. Today, we would glad to introduce the NBA 2K17 Grand Badges Guide:How to Earn Secret Grand Badges in 2K17 MyCareer/MyPark.



1. Here’s how to earn Stretch Big Pro Grand badge for Centers in NBA 2K17


In NBA 2K17, the Stretch Big Pro grand badge temporarily buffs your character’s spot-up shooting. Stretch Big centers should get the archetype’s five main badges first before they get the grand badge. Badges List needed for the NBA 2K17 Stretch Big Pro grand badge:


Deep Range Deadeye

Limitless Range

Corner Specialist

Catch and Shoot

Pick & Popper



2. Here’s how to earn the Playmaker Pro Grand Badge in NBA 2K17


There are the list of NBA 2K17 badges that must be activated to get the Playmaker Pro Grand Badge:


Ankle Breaker 

Break Starter


Flashy Passer

Lob City Passer

Pick and Roll Maestro


Activating all of these should lead to the Playmaker Pro Grand Badge. It will obviously take some time, since getting a regular badge can be difficult. Most of the badges require players to repeat certain actions multiple times. It’s almost RPG-like, which is why getting some of these badges can be very addictive. More NBA 2K17 Badge guide please keep eyes on!


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